J R Media Group, LLC
Ottawa, IL 61350

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would like to book an event, please call or write:

J R Media Group, LLC

Ottawa, IL 61350



What & Who is JR Media Group? 

JR MEDIA GROUP, LLC is a small Publishing House that specializes in producing the “Grandma Goes To…” Series. © These are true stories of Grandma Jeanne Roppolo’s travel adventures from all over the world. They are written for children, educational for all ages, and an inspirational read for the whole family. Format for our children’s series: 80pp including 38 pages of color photographs.


Through her books, multi-media Travelogues, and Motivational-speaking Engagements, Jeanne hopes to encourage the young and young-at-heart to embrace the opportunities and transformative experiences that may be hidden in their everyday life. This dynamic and enthusiastic storyteller will entertain, educate, and inspire you with her contagious energy. Give your group a memorable learning adventure. Hire Grandma Jeanne today.

All J R Media Group books are available at quantity discounts for bulk purchase depending upon sales promotions, premiums, fund raising, and educational needs. Special books or PDF book excerpts can be created to fit unique needs. Please call or write for more in-formation.


 JR Media Innovative Team

Jeanne Roppolo
Author/Storyteller/Motivational Speaker/Publisher/Intentional Living Coach


Joseph P. Higgins

Creative Consultant/Editor/Author & co-publisher of Dollars, Diamonds, Destiny & Death; Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award for the Doris Duke biography/Brother

Vic Blakemore
Proofreader/Dear friend

Meghan Williams
Executive Assistant/Friend, fellow janitor at McMurdo Station, traveling companion, webmistress & computer teacher/Her family owns a peonies farm in Alaska- EagleSong.
Cece Parker

Manager/Lifelong Friend


Justin Roppolo
Visual Artist/playwright/movie producer/tattoo artist/ Facebook-Tattoosbyjustin@JRTats22 / Son

George Kuzma, MBA, MSOD
Organizational Development Consultant

Dave Dziedzic

Computer consultant/tech support/Graphic Artist, Friend & fellow author

Vicki Beaver
One of my Antarctica roommates, a professional photographer, and counts whales in Barrow, Alaska
as her summer job. In winter, Vicki & boyfriend Eric lead tours from South America to Antarctica.

I have my dear friend and fellow fire fighter Linda Collison to thank for suggesting that I write a children’s book. Linda is an award-winning author with numerous titles & articles on a variety of subjects to her credit. More information about Linda & her stories can be found on her web site.


       J R Media Group, LLC
